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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Important Lord Krishna Teachings One Can Learn From Bhagavad Gita


Containing 18 chapters that deal with a variety of aspects like the incarnation of God, the need to restrain the senses and mind, devotion to God, the qualities of nature, and so on, Bhagavad Gita is considered as the greatest Holy Scripture. Having spiritual discourses delivered by Lord Krishna, this Holy Scripture offers a lot to learn to live a better life. In the Mahabharata, when the fight between Pandavas and Kauravas was going on and Pandava prince Arjuna starts feeling low in the battleground, Lord Krishna offers him the strength to fight by explaining him the "Gita Gyan". The teachings mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita encompass every single aspect of the life. The one who follows the Lord Krishna teachings mentioned in Bhagavad Gita can no doubt lead a peaceful life.
Following are some of the important Lord Krishna teachings one can learn from Bhagavad Gita:
i) A money-minded person cannot mediate:
Bhagavad Gita contains a lot about meditation and its importance. Meditation is a way to achieve the inner peace and happiness. A person who always gives priority to making money cannot be able to meditate properly. If you are not capable enough to keep your mind stable, you will never be able to meditate and remember the supreme God.
ii) Devote yourself to Lord Krishna:
Lord Krishna is always there to support you in your bad times as well as good times. Many people do not care about the supreme God and pray when some trouble hits their life, but Lord never leaves anyone. A person who surrenders himself or herself to the devotion of Lord Krishna may never be troubled by any problem in the life.
iii) The soul neither takes birth nor dies:
According to the Lord Krishna teachings, a person who keeps fears within him or her cannot be able to make progress in his or her life. A soul that knows it cannot be stopped or caged never gets troubled by any type of fear. Therefore, it is important for every human being to eradicate all kinds of fears from their minds.
iv) We neither brought anything to the world, nor we are going to take away anything with us:
Every human being comes empty-handed to this world. From relationships to love, money, property, or respect, a person makes everything after getting birth only. Moreover, no human takes back anything with them after death. Since we don't have to take back anything with us after the death, we should be satisfied with what all we have in our lives.
v) Body is perishable, but soul never dies:
A soul never dies as it is immortal. It is the death of a body, never the death of a soul. A soul just keeps on changing from one body to another body. Comprised of five elements, namely water, earth, fire, wind, and space, a human body is perishable. So, rather than decorating your outer body that would die one day, work on decorating your inner soul that never dies.
vi) Work without worrying about the results:
When we strive to get results while doing any action, we get failed in achieving our goals. It may make use feel disheartened or disappointed if we fail to achieve the desired results. Therefore, Lord Krishna teaches us to perform any action without worrying about the results. A person who works without keeping the desire of fruit or result in return always gets succeeded in his or her life. This is the most important advice of Lord Krishna that inspires us to live a selflessness life.
vii) Desires may come and go:
It is not true that all your desires will be fulfilled, so you should not feel disappointed for the same. The Lord God does well for us and he knows what can bring happiness in our lives. So, one should believe that desires may come and go and should not come under the chain of expectations and desires.
To practice the Lord Krishna teachings in the real life, come to Iskcon Dwarka where you would learn implementing the important teachings of Lord Krishna in your life that may take your life to the right direction.

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